Friday, April 29, 2011

Assignment 1 Submissions




  1. Post 3: Nice Composition. Crop could have been closer. I like the reflection of the spoon. Be aware of your background (top left corner), a closer crop would have eliminated this at least partially.

    Post 4: Good job capturing the clouds. It is not easy to light balance with sun/clouds. The dark fence on the bottom is a little distracting. At first I thought that the picture had been cut off or that the file was messed up. The trees don't bother me since they kind of frame the picture on that side,but I think we could have gone without the fence.

    Post 5: Very cute picture and good job freezing the subject without getting blur. The eyes are a little crazy from the flash. Also, it is a general rule with dogs/small children that if you get down on their level or close to it that the picture will be more interesting to look at. This is the perspective that everyone would see the puppy, if you are lower down you will see him on his level. This can also work if he is higher up.

  2. #5: love the unusual looking into his face view. Very cute and not the usual view

  3. No. 1 I like the way the flowers have light on them, they glow, but the background is dark.

    No. 3 I like how simple and clean the photo is, no distractions. I would have liked to see some of the ice cream though, maybe some ice cream on the spoon next time.

    No. 5 OK, Max is the cutest dog in the world. How can a person critique with that face staring at you. Adorable.

  4. Post 6: Nice job framing up the image. I like how there are parts cut off but you can still see everything and get the idea of what is going on. Also, I like the pink gloves with the pink flowers (not sure if that was on purpose or not, but we can say it was if not). The bottom left corner of the hat is a little bright and keeps drawing my eye, but it is not too overly distracting.

    Post 7: The dark background with the lit flowers makes a very nice picture. The flowers seem a little flat, but this could be helped with a spritz of water on the flowers or a less diffused light. The picture is over all very nice, but I think that would add an extra element. I like how you can still see the stem too.

  5. #6: it looks like a picture in a magazine!! Beautiful!!
    #7: love the contrast between the flower and black background
