Sunday, May 29, 2011

New Assignment for June 12

Since this assignment is going to be due on Father's Day I thought we could try to do something with that.  So instead of making this a literal photo of your father, I want you to photograph an object, item or place that makes you think of your father.  This can be taken literally (like a picture of a favorite shirt or of a gift he gave you) or it can be translated a little more loosely (like a place that gives you the same feelings you felt when you were around him).  If you want to include your father in the photograph, that is fine, but his actual person should not be the main subject of the photo.  With this I want you to really think about how places and things can give you the same feelings and memories as the actual person, maybe even more.

I know that not everyone has a father around for various reasons, but that doesn't mean it won't be a nice exercise to think of them.  If you are absolutely not feeling like you can do this assignment, I do understand that it really hits close to home for some.  You are welcome to take the same assignment and base it around someone in your life who has either been like a father to you or someone who may not be a father-figure to you, but is a great father to their own children.  Mostly what I want you to get out of this assignment is being able to find a place or object that can evoke the same feelings and emotions that you may have experienced with this actual person.

Have fun and good luck!

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