Sunday, May 15, 2011


Perspective is a work that pretty much everyone has heard and knows a definition of.  The version I am going for is a new perspective.  For this we really need to look at a subject from an angle that not everyone might see.  To really do this well, the best thing to do is take 20 or so photos of the SAME THING.  This will force you to move around.  Maybe you will lay on the ground to take the picture?  Maybe you can get a stool and stand up higher than the subject.  If this is a subject that is usually viewed from a certain level, move until you see it from a different angle.  This is a skill that will help tremendously if you are taking photos of pets or small children.  Most photos of children and pets come from an adult perspective, and this will help you, and anyone viewing your photos, to see them a little differently.

Notice the difference between these two sets of photos.  The only change I made with them was going from a regular standing position to sitting on the ground.  It really makes a difference of what you see.

In the cases of both of the above image sets, the photo from the regular standing height is far less interesting than the one where I changed my angle.  Below are a few other images showing a perspective that would be different than the angle you would normally view the subject.


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