Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Assignment 4

I am posting this assignment early so you can start making any preparations you may need to make.  This, to some, will be a more difficult assignment than some of the others.  It is very easy to take a picture of a random thing in your room, yard or nearby, but it is much more difficult to take a portrait.  I am not looking for anything crazy, I just want 3 examples of a portrait.  I will post the actual criteria on Sunday when the current assignment is due, but I just want you to be thinking about who you can take a portrait of and making any plans necessary to meet with them.  This isn't something that should be too difficult, but want to see that you take the instructions that I post and use them when taking the portraits.  If you can do that, then you did it right!  This one will be due July 3.

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